Movie Answer Man

'Death' be not so good. Still.

Q. As you said yourself, "The Clone Wars" is "basically just a 98-minute trailer for the autumn launch of a new series on the Cartoon Network." From a review standpoint, does it not matter in the least that this "movie"…

Movie Answer Man

Life & death and the joker

Q. Los Angeles, home to the film industry, employs some of the least competent projectionists I've encountered anywhere in the world, and I'm getting tired of getting up mid-movie to complain that the picture is out of focus (the problem…

Movie Answer Man

Stark beauty, dark vision

Q. In your review for "The Dark Knight," you say that the Joker is a product of his father's poor treatment, but that's just one story he uses to explain his scars. Another is that he did it for his…

Movie Answer Man

Gods and monsters

Q. Your Answer Man item about the availability of Pauline Kael's criticism reminded me that I hadn't brought you up to date about our looking into a reprint of Going Steady. Our paperback editor checked out the situation regarding her…

Movie Answer Man

Spike vs. Clint on Iwo Jima

Q. Recently there has been a press argument between Spike Lee and Clint Eastwood. I'm wondering what you think of Lee's accusations. Spike Lee is a talented, original voice in American filmmaking, but what he has to say about "Flags…

Movie Answer Man

NYC too small for Hulk, Spidey?

Q. I'm still wondering why it's so tough for Marvel to reconcile psychological extrapolation and pure action with the Hulk. Having seen both incarnations, they're vastly different movies, and I'm still curious why it's so tough to dabble in the…