Movie Answer Man

A role in a Wonka of its own

Q. I keep hearing that Johnny Depp based his performance as Willy Wonka on Michael Jackson. I think everyone is looking through the wrong end of the telescope. It has seemed to me for years that Michael Jackson at some…

Movie Answer Man

Attack of the alien robot tripods

Q. You may be on the wrong track with your objection to the three-legged aliens in "War of the Worlds," when you write, "Three legs are inherently not stable." Amateur carpenters are advised to build three-legged stools rather than four-legged…

Movie Answer Man

When darkness falls

Q. I just saw "Batman Begins" and thought it was OK. There were children at the show, however, and I felt sorry for them because the movie contained nothing that might appeal to 8 years and younger. Why have filmmakers…

Movie Answer Man

The longest dialogue, and counting

Q. I read your review of "The Longest Yard" very closely. While I found your thoughts stimulating and the evocation of your inner dilemma particularly provocative, I believe that you remain foolishly guarded and even a bit naive about your…

Movie Answer Man

Issues for the (space) ages

Q. How you can give the new "Star Wars" movie 3.5 stars when you write, "The dialogue throughout the movie is once again its weakest point: The characters talk in what sounds like Basic English, without color, wit or verbal…

Movie Answer Man

The 'Confederacy' conspiracy

Q: I recently found out that David Gordon Green's film "A Confederacy of Dunces," with Will Ferrell and Drew Barrymore, has been canceled. Green is one of my favorite directors and I have high hopes for his career. What is…

Movie Answer Man

Anakin's fans strike back

Q: I've been revisiting the original "Star Wars" trilogy in preparation for "Episode III." I was shocked to see at the end of "Return of the Jedi" the ethereal image of the older Anakin Skywalker replaced by Hayden Christensen's younger…